Guilsborough C of E Primary School

Guilsborough C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

Mrs Katie Shilliam
Mrs Katie Shilliam

We are proud to be part of Peterborough Diocese Education Trust.

- Achieving More Together - 

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

Welcome to our school website. We hope that you can find all the information you need. Please make an appointment (01604 740307) if you'd like to come and see us all in action!

Welcome to our school website. I am very privileged and proud to be the Headteacher at Guilsborough C of E Primary School, part of the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust. We are a charming village primary school that values our local community and believes education is a partnership between the school, the children and their families. We work closely and achieve more together with our Governors, staff, parents, church community and local community to meet the challenges and realise the opportunities that our children will undoubtedly face.

By making the most of the solid Christian and educational foundations that already exist, together we build brighter futures for all children at the school. We strive to create an environment that excites, enriches, cares and nurtures, but also one that drives our children to excel at whatever they do.

During their journey with us, our children will be motivated and confident, literate and numerate, creative and questioning. They will learn to communicate effectively with others and create long lasting, magical memories of their time at Guilsborough C of E Primary.

The team of loyal and dedicated staff, together with strong home school links will ensure we do the best for our children and I invite parents and the wider community to join with us on the learning journeys as they take place.

Building Christian beliefs and values into the school ethos, we also strive to achieve the fullest possible intellectual, physical, spiritual and social development of each child so that firm foundations are laid for secondary school and adult life.

Mrs Katie Shilliam

The Judges Comment:

Winners of Primary School of the Year 2021

This primary school has a focus on innovative learning. Students are empowered to lead committees within school, which gives them their own sense of wellbeing and individual development.

The school maximises engagement with the children, to expand upon their confidence.

There is a tremendous amount of extra-curricular activity, with a particular emphasis on sports and music. The judges were particularly impressed by the importance of ‘wellbeing’ throughout the school, for example, ‘the magnificent mind wellbeing champions.’ The focus is not just on the academic data but also providing well rounded and emotionally secure children, which is a strong foundation for their next steps.


 "Guilsborough Church of England Primary school is an inclusive, compassionate and caring community.

Everyone is valued and nurtured as the unique person God created them to be" (SIAMS 2023)


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